Thursday, 28 April 2016

If CFL bulbs goes against the LEDs, which will come on top?

Some years ago if you want to buy a light bulb, no matter your budget, you really had only one choice whether lighting your home or office etc. and that is incandescent bulbs. Efficiency and eco-friendliness wasn’t much of a mainstream conversation then and technology had no better offers anyways. 

But times have changed for the better and technology has mature a lot from years past so now we have CFLs andLEDs-both highly efficient light technologies-systematically phasing out incandescent yellow light bulbs all around the world. Better educated consumers are asking for efficient, clean energy against a backdrop of a global movement for eco-friendliness and sustainable energy for future generation.

So the big question that light consumers who want to save their pockets and also our beautiful planet are asking is, of CFLs and LEDs, which is a better lighting alternative? I will try to show the benefits of each of the technologies and let the readers decide which is the better of the two.

First, Compact Fluorescent Light (CFLs) products


·         Use less energy compared to incandescent bulbs

·         Produce extremely bright light that spreads evenly

·         Available in soft, warm, and bright white hues


·         Light intensity cannot be controlled (no switch for diming the light)

·         Take a few moments to heat up and reach full brightness, needs ballast

·         Contain mercury, a toxic heavy metal

·         Can be sensitive to cold temperatures

LED Light Bulbs


·         Lights up immediately, doesn’t require ballast.

·         No sensitivity to cold temperatures

·         Some models come with switch for controlling light intensity. Notably, iFLUX LED products.

·         Doesn’t heat up much at all. Can be touched immediately after use.

·         Last up to 5X longer than CFLs, some products can last a lifetime

·         Doesn’t contain mercury (Protect health)

·         Environmental friendly


·         A bit more expensive than CFLs

Who Wins?

After this comparison, its quiet obvious that its hard to beat the value offered by modern LEDs. Even though on the average, LED products tend to cost more than CFLs, brands such as iFLUX using top-notch technology now offers affordable LEDs across product range such as LED light bulbs, rechargeable lamps and high-end solar and luxury ambience lighting.

So, how much more efficient are iFLUX LED’s?

On average, a fluorescent (CFL) bulb may last around 8,000 hours, while an iFLUX LED bulb producing the same amount of light will last around 25,000 hours.
Check the table below:




Light bulb projected lifespan

50,000 hours

10,000 hours

Watts per bulb (equiv. 60 watts)



Cost per bulb

N400 or less


KWh of electricity used over
50,000 hours



Cost of electricity for example (0.10per KWh)



Bulbs needed for 50k hours of use



As seen above, with a 14-Watt CFL bulb, the electricity cost is high for the CFLs as compared to the LEDs.

While a CFL might only be around N200/bulb in comparison to N400/bulb (or more) for the iFLUX LED, think about how much you would save by replacing every CFL bulb in your house almost all the time.

While, these numbers are estimates, it is clear that LED’s are the most energy efficient option for light bulbs on the market, and the savings from switching out your old incandescent or CFL bulbs can keep a lot of extra dough in your pocket.

My choice any day

The fact is, in the very near future, LEDS will win the tussle, the technology is cleaner, sustainable and getting a lot more affordable.

So, when next your light bulb burns out and you need a replacement, what will be your choice?

Run out to the store and buy up cheap, inefficient incandescent bulbs you’re used to?

·         Or replace burned-out with CFL bulbs,

·         Or better still replace your retired light bulb with affordable, clean, eco-friendly and long lasting iFLUX LED light bulbs.

The choice is yours.

As the prices for LEDs continue to drop and being the most durable, efficient lighting option in the market. It’s hard to contend against a product that more than pays for itself in energy savings and might last for the rest of your life.

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